Let’s be great at what we do together!
Founded in 1922 as the Women’s Auxiliary, Women of Emanu-El is both a social and civic organization open to all women of the congregation. The Women of Emanu-El Program Committee plans numerous lectures and outings throughout the year, in addition to sponsoring a variety of activities that benefit the greater New York City community.

Women of Emanu-El organizes several flagship events throughout the year, from tours of historic New York City landmarks to community Sabbath dinners with our clergy. We also regularly host Canasta classes, supervised and open play, as well as Bridge classes. We hope you’ll join us!
Tribute Fund
The Women of Emanu-El Tribute Fund supports critical services and programs such as: our Veterans’ Event, monthly breakfast and dinner at Ronald McDonald House, Book Club, and the Art Center for Seniors.
Contributions in honor of a special occasion (birth, bar/bat mitzvah, marriage or milestone anniversary/birthday), or in memory of someone who touched your life, support these worthwhile causes. Your thoughtful gift will be acknowledged and the recipient will receive notice of your contribution.
The names of all donors and honorees are listed in “Window on Emanu-El”, the quarterly publication prepared by the Congregation’s Development department.
Book Club
Join our monthly email list for invitations to upcoming Bok Club meetings.
February 28 | 11:00 AM | Stetteneim Library
The Girl from Human Street by Roger Cohen
Rabbi Amy Ehrlich will lead our discussion. There is no charge for this event but reservations are required. A few limited copies of the book are available in the Temple library. RSVP by Tuesday, February 26th by calling: (212) 744-1400 ext. 235 or registering online.
The Girl from Human Street by Roger Cohen
Rabbi Amy Ehrlich will lead our discussion. There is no charge for this event but reservations are required. A few limited copies of the book are available in the Temple library. RSVP by Tuesday, February 26th by calling: (212) 744-1400 ext. 235 or registering online.
March 11 | 11:00 AM | Room 402
People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks
Cantor Mo Glazman will lead our discussion. There is no charge for this event but reservations are required. RSVP by Friday, March 8th by calling: (212) 744-1400 ext. 235.
May 20 | 11:00 AM | Stettenheim Library
Book selection TBD
Rabbi Joshua Davidson will lead our discussion. There is no charge for this event but reservations are required. RSVP by Friday, March 8th by calling: (212) 744-1400 ext. 235.
Volunteering Opportunities
Women of Emanu-El organizes many community service programs throughout the year, including:
Art Center for Seniors
Through the Art Center for Seniors at Emanu-El, 50 or more senior citizens meet at Temple Emanu-El each Monday from October through May to participate in art projects and exercise classes, as well as to socialize. Professional art and exercise instructors Amy DiGi and Kevin Galeazzi oversee the activities and are assisted by Women’s Auxiliary volunteers. Each year’s program ends with an annual art show.
Ronald McDonald House
Volunteers from Temple Emanu-El prepare and serve dinner for families that are staying at Ronald McDonald House of New York, a “home away from home” for families of seriously ill children undergoing treatment. Dinners generally are organized on a monthly basis. Temple members who are interested in participating must contact the Women’s Auxiliary, which organizes and funds the dinners. This activity is suitable only for adults over 18 who are in good health. All volunteers will receive a call back from the Women’s Auxiliary to confirm their volunteer dates. (Please, no walk-ins!)
English in Action
On Wednesdays and Thursdays, Women’s Auxiliary volunteers serve as tutors for foreign-born adults who meet weekly to practice their English conversation. The goal of the program is to help newcomers to the U.S. gain fluency and confidence in conversational English through weekly sessions. In addition to practicing the language without the fear of making mistakes, students learn about life in this country and teach their American partners about their own lands and customs. Every year, approximately 800 students and volunteers in New York City are paired in this one-to-one program.
Project Backpack
Since 2006, the Women’s Auxiliary has partnered with Public School 112 in East Harlem for this wonderful mitzvah. Through Project Backpack, 100 incoming kindergarten students are given a backpack filled with various school supplies. Volunteers are needed to help assemble the backpacks during the summer.
Veterans’ Events
Each spring, since the end of World War II, members of the Women’s Auxiliary honor patients from nearby veterans hospitals. Guests are transported first to Emanu-El, where they are served lunch prepared by our volunteers, and then treated for an afternoon outing — such as a trip to Yankee Stadium. Volunteers are needed to meet and greet our guests, as well as prepare and serve lunch.
JBI Library (Jewish Braille Institute)
Women of Emanu-El is excited to offer volunteer opportunities through JBI Library (Jewish Braille Institute).
These volunteer opportunities can be done individually, with a partner or in a group, at JBI, at the Temple, at home, or virtually. They range in commitments from a few hours to ongoing opportunities.
• PHONE CALLS– Call JBI users (called patrons) to discuss their experience with JBI and what they need from JBI. This is a way to reach out to individuals who are often socially isolated and appreciate a friendly voice. This can be done individually or as part of a group at a location of your choice.
• TYPING SHORT TEXTS– for children’s books to create braille or large print versions of these children’s books.
• BE A MODERATOR OF A VIRTUAL BOOK GROUP– JBI sets up the Zoom. This lasts one hour.
• RECORD BOOKS IN THE STUDIO– Record or direct recording of print books, magazines, articles. Volunteers can sign up individually or with a partner. The same two-person team commits to recording the entire work, usually on a weekly basis in two-hour segments.
• QUALITY ASSURANCE IN THE STUDIO– Volunteers receive an hour of training and listen to recordings for problems or errors.
• GIVE A TALK– virtual or in person on a topic of interest or expertise you have.
If you are interested in volunteering with Women of Emanu-El, please contact the Initiative Leader, Andrea Brown, at
Art Center for Seniors
Art Center for Seniors
Through the Art Center for Seniors at Emanu-El, 50 or more senior citizens meet at Temple Emanu-El each Monday from October through May to participate in art projects and exercise classes, as well as to socialize. Professional art instructors oversee the activities and are assisted by Women of Emanu-El volunteers. Each year’s program ends with an annual art show.
Veterans’ Events
Each spring, since the end of World War II, members of the Women’s Auxiliary honor patients from nearby veterans hospitals. Guests are transported first to Emanu-El, where they are served lunch prepared by our volunteers, and then treated for an afternoon outing — such as a trip to Yankee Stadium. Volunteers are needed to meet and greet our guests, as well as prepare and serve lunch.
Ronald McDonald House
Ronald McDonald House
Women of Emanu-El provide breakfast and dinner for families that are staying at Ronald McDonald House of New York, a “home away from home” for families of seriously ill children undergoing treatment. Breakfasts and dinners generally are organized on a monthly basis.
Click here to read about our outreach to Ronald McDonald House in 2021.
A bold Reform congregation where Warmth and Majesty meet.
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