Current Member Resources

As a member of our community, we’re here for you both in times of joy and grief, to help you celebrate marriages, births, and b’nei mitzvah and to mourn and honor those we’ve lost. 

You may pay your membership dues, nursery school or religious school tuition, bnei mitzvah fees or fulfill your pledge online. 

We’re here for you to help you mark the important milestones in your life journey–the birth of a child, bnei mitzvah, a wedding, illness or a death in the family.

To have an aufruf (wedding blessing) or to celebrate a baby naming as part of a worship service, please call the clergy office at 212-507-9609. Be sure to specify what you are celebrating.

An aliyah (Torah blessing) can be done to honor a special moment in your life. To get more involved in the Torah service by reciting the blessings, or even through taking on the fulfilling challenge of chanting Torah on Shabbat morning, please contact the Membership Office.

The gift of flowers to decorate the bimah is a meaningful way to remember a loved one, honor a bar or bat mitzvah, or commemorate a wedding, birthday or other simcha (celebration). Or you may prefer to sponsor the weekly Oneg Shabbat (reception) after Friday evening services.

If you wish to have the name of a loved one read for Kaddish during Sabbath services, please contact the Clergy office or fill out a Yahrzeit Reminder Request.