Sunday A-TEEM Television (2021-22)
⇑ Waking up excited and too early to go to work, Rachel turns on the TV to find A-TEEMers on every channel as they get ready to come to Emanu-El and be role models, Tribal leaders and have some fun.
⇑ Waking up excited and too early to go to work, Rachel turns on the TV to find A-TEEMers on every channel as they get ready to come to Emanu-El and be role models, Tribal leaders and have some fun.
⇑ Role models, teachers and leaders. Who are the teens in this video making Religious School fun? Join us for a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like to be on the Monday A-TEEM.
A-TEEM student leaders work in the school office, interact with students and engage in Jewish study. School days are divided between administrative duties, hands-on involvement with students and skills training.
A-TEEM members are supervised by Emily Besthoff, our Assistant Director of Lifelong Learning. Workshops and learning sessions will be taught by temple clergy, Lifelong Learning staff and Religious School faculty. A-TEEM participants also have opportunities throughout the year to interact with other members of the teen community.
A-TEEM takes place primarily during Religious School hours. A-TEEM members will pick one day per week in which to participate throughout the school year:
In addition to the weekly hours, the A-TEEM program includes an orientation and three additional seminars over the course of the year. These skill- and community-building seminars take place outside of school hours.
A-TEEM members earn a stipend for their participation in this program. Participants may be eligible to earn community-service credit in lieu of a stipend, if approved by their school.
We are looking for creative and dedicated high school students who are interested in gaining new skills, learning about different aspects of congregational education, working as role models to younger students, and increasing students’ knowledge of and connection to Judaism. Please note, in order to participate in the A-TEEM, the applicant’s legal guardian must be a member of Congregation Emanu-El.
To apply to become a part of A-TEEM, or for more information, contact Emily Besthoff, or call 212-507-9526.