Your support for the Fund for Emanu-El is essential in helping us continue our mission.

Together, we can ensure that Temple Emanu-El offers to all who seek it a vibrant and inclusive center for Jewish learning and living, and a moral anchor in a turbulent time.

Why Give?

Your contribution to the Fund for Emanu-El helps sustain our community and ensures that we remain a leader in the fight against antisemitism, a champion of Jewish identity and a center for progressive Jewish values.

What Your Gift Supports:

  • Honoring Our Heritage: Since 1845, we have embraced a bold vision, merging tradition with innovation.
  • Nurturing Our Faith: A place where warmth and majesty meet, deepening every soul’s connection to Jewish faith.
  • Building Strong Bonds: Meaningful relationships are formed within our community, enhancing temple life and personal connections.
  • Embracing Our Members: We celebrate milestones and provide comfort in times of need, embracing the dignity of every person.
  • Repairing the World: Through tikkun olam, we are committed to social action and philanthropy.
  • Inspiring Young Minds: Education is at the heart of our mission, instilling a love of Jewish learning and heritage.
  • Advancing Progressive Values: As a leader in Reform Judaism, we are dedicated to pluralism and progress.
  • Unity with Global Jewry: We stand in solidarity with Jewish communities worldwide, in both celebration and crisis.
  • Combating Hate: We fight antisemitism and all forms of prejudice through education and advocacy.
  • Solidarity with Israel: Our bond with Israel remains strong, supporting a secure and pluralistic Jewish homeland.

The Impact of Your Gift:

  • $1,800 can help build a vibrant community by supporting a month of Friday night onegs.
  • $3,600 can enhance our spiritual community by supporting an inspiring musical Shabbat with our full choir.
  • $5,000 can fund the vital work of our religious school—educating, inspiring and empowering the next generation of our community.
  • $7,200 can help build community by engaging our members together in small lay-led groups of similar and shared interests with our Gather Program.
  • $10,000 can help build our Young Professionals community and grow our future.
  • $18,000 can help us be a welcoming home to many congregants who need financial support with their membership dues.

By donating to the Fund for Emanu-El, you are making a statement of your commitment to our congregation, our Jewish values and the vital work we do to sustain Jewish life and learning.

Contact Us

If you would like to discuss your donation or make a major gift, please email or contact a member of the development team. 

Cindy Cutler
Chief Development Officer
(212) 507-9577

Laura Solomon
Director of Major Gifts
(212) 507-9571

Jamie Allen Black
Director of Strategic Philanthropy and Engagement
(212) 507-9524

Amanda Shane
Assistant Director of Development
(212) 507-9584

Gila Drazen
Development Operations Manager
(212) 507-9552

Kaizer Jagroo
Development Associate
(212) 507-9523

“For nearly 180 years, Temple Emanu-El has been a cornerstone of New York’s Jewish community and a spiritual home that strives to make Judaism meaningful and relevant. Through worship, learning, activism and celebration, we foster meaningful connections between our prophetic heritage and the evolving realities of contemporary life. This past year especially, our temple has been a leader in the fight against antisemitism and a clear voice proclaiming Israel’s centrality to Jewish identity.  And so shall we remain.

“Your support to the Fund for Emanu-El is essential in helping us continue our mission. Together, we can ensure that Temple Emanu-El offers to all who seek it a vibrant and inclusive center for Jewish learning and living, and a moral anchor in a turbulent time.” —    Rabbi Joshua M. Davidson, Peter and Mary Kalikow Senior Rabbinic Chair

sanctuary, window, glass

Bequests & The Heritage Society

Create an enduring legacy and ensure the continued vitality of Emanu-El by naming the temple as a beneficiary of your estate.

sanctuary, outside

Dedications & Memorials

Join the honorable company of the past by linking your name, or the name of a loved one with Temple Emanu-El with the installation of a permanent dedication. 

Bimah Flowers & Onegs

Sponsoring bimah flowers or an oneg kiddush is a beautiful way to celebrate a simcha, honor a loved one’s yahrzeit or commemorate a special event.