Message from our President
Congregation Emanu-El, established in 1845 as New York’s first Reform congregation, has long contributed to Jewish life in our city and country.
Our Fifth Avenue Sanctuary, the world’s largest Jewish house of worship, is inspirational, and our diverse and devoted congregants have a legacy of service to the Jewish and secular communities.
Without forsaking our important heritage, Emanu-El’s mission today is to build upon it, adopting the changes needed to remain relevant to the values and needs of our members and community. The traditional richness of Emanu-El’s worship services is combined with a constantly changing offering of stimulating and relevant programs in our Religious School, Temple Emanu-El Streicker Center, Ivan M. Stettenheim Library, Herbert and Eileen Bernard Museum and musical events. Emanu-El’s Philanthropic Fund, Tikkun Olam program, Men’s Club, Women of Emanu-El, School Parents associations, Young Families group and many varied volunteer endeavors give us the opportunity to help neighbors in need. Our Nursery School adds texture, joyousness and laughter to our days.
This is an exciting time for us. Our temple welcomes all who come in peace. If you would like to become a member or learn more about Temple Emanu-El, please contact our membership office.
Harris Diamond
Temple President
New York, NY 10065