ANDY J. KAHN – Associate Rabbi
Rabbi Andrue (Andy) Kahn grew up in Tacoma, Washington and has lived in New York since 2009. Recently he served as the rabbinic intern at East End Temple in Gramercy where he organized social justice work and young professional programming around Jewish spirituality.
Prior to starting Rabbinical School at HUC-JIR, he received a BA from Kenyon College in Ohio, an MA from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, and an MA from Jewish Theological Seminary in Manhattan. Today his greatest interests are cultivating and sharing Jewish spiritual practice, exploring new models of community, and crafting innovative ways to help others incorporate Judaism more deeply into their lives. In his spare time he can be found running in Prospect Park in Brooklyn, listening to podcasts and music, and reading anything from his Twitter feed, to sci-fi, to the latest in Jewish scholarship. He is extraordinarily excited to be joining the remarkable professional team and community of Temple Emanu-El!
The Power of Embracing Our Inner Silence — Rabbi Andy Kahn: published in Thrive Global, April 30, 2019
Rabbi Kahn Speaks at Rally Against Anti-Semitism — March 17, 2019
Finding Today’s Tabernacle to Invite God In — Rabbi Andy Kahn:, March 2019
The Present and Future of Reform Aesthetics and Identity: Performadoxy and Emergent Custom — Rabbi Andy Kahn: published in the CCAR Journal, Central Conference of American Rabbis, 2019.
One Minute of Wonder with Rabbi Kahn
Rabbi Andrue Kahn, featured on CCAR’s One Minute of Wonder this week, explains Shavuot as not just a commemoration of the Revelation at Sinai, but as an annual reminder that we each give and receive our own Torah every day.